New Series Coming Soon


During this ministry’s most recent hiatus, God has been dealing with me about what direction to go next. He led me back to the beginning, and so I brought back the original web-series that launched Great Commission Ministries…

No sooner than I started reproductions of the original “GC” episodes, I was attacked by hell. This is what happens when you follow God’s calling – it puts you on the enemy’s radar. Satan began assaulting me at my weakest points: pain & anxiety. These are two things I live with every day, and I manage to keep them under control most of the time. But immediately after I began uploading episodes to the Rumble channel, both pain & anxiety intensified.

About 8 uploads into “The GC Revisited,” I had to take a break. It was a weekend, and I started praying and seeking for God’s guidance. He quickly showed me what was going on and why it was happening. I knew it was an onslaught from hell, so I additionally asked my brother to pray for me. Anxiety had me paralyzed, and pain made me feel powerless. LIES! Satan had tricked me into momentarily forgetting who I am in Christ.

Once I was able to see the truth of my situation, I was emboldened to stand on God’s promises. This is when he led me to the scripture in Matthew 21…

I then made and uploaded a video explaining what had happened, as well as the lessons God had for me in the above passage. First, I certainly never want to become fruitless like that fig tree. And second, I need to embrace my faith and overcome my mountains. And day by day, that’s what I intend to do. With God’s help and grace, I will.


Through all of this, I feel God is leading me to a specific place with this online ministry. I’m comforted by the realization that He’s had this planned all along. “The Kingdom Hero Show” is about to be renovated into a somewhat different series called simply “The Kingdom Light.” Yep, that’s what I was lead some while ago to rename this website, I see God’s divine orchestration in that.

The new series of videos will pick up where The Kingdom Hero Show left off, but it will also be shorter than that podcast had become. In fact, The Kingdom Light will be much more fast-paced and concise in nature – more like The GC was. The reason for this change is pretty obvious: Simpler is better.

While I thoroughly enjoyed putting together a podcast with the scale of The Kingdom Hero Show, it took a lot of time. All the planning, editing and piecing together various video clips and news articles, then recording and producing all of that with more editing and so on, each episode was becoming a monumental endeavor. Ironically, I enjoyed that process. But I didn’t have adequate time to spend doing it how I wanted – I still work a regular job like any ordinary guy.

God showed me that I’d made the ministry He’d given me too complicated and less efficient. That’s why there were so many occasions of extended gaps between uploads. And once that starts, discouragement sets in. Not only is it difficult to find the time, but it’s even harder to find the motivation. That’s just a bad combination when all you really want to do is minister to people. He had to remind me that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.

This was a lesson for me, but I sincerely hope it speaks to you as well. Don’t let the enemy discourage you. Stay in the Word so that you can be reminded regularly of God’s promises – and then STAND on those promises! And in the meantime, keep checking the Rumble channel for more uploads. Enjoy the GC Revisited series, keep an eye out for the new series in the near future, and keep on sharing the Kingdom Light!

God bless!

Author: stacemassengill

I am a blood-bought saint of God, saved by His amazing Grace! God called me to start Great Commission Ministries online in June of 2011, and that began as a video series called "The GC." After 7 seasons of that web-series, I felt led to expand the ministry to blogs as well as a new video series I called "67 seconds of Encouragement." Eventually, the blogs became a podcast. And the ministry continues to grow from that, currently in the form of The Kingdom Hero Show. My prayer is that this ministry brings hope and encouragement to everyone who finds it. Please share it with others and help spread the Good News of Christ!

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