The Culture War, Corruption, and Pushing Back the Darkness

The Kingdom Hero Show – Episode 79

ATTENTION BLOG READERS: The transcript of this episode does not include transcribed content from the video clips. Use the LISTEN or WATCH buttons to enjoy the full show.

-Begin Transcript –

Welcome to The Kingdom Hero Show, where CHRIST is KING and the TRUTH matters! Our mission: To advance the Kingdom of God by shining the Kingdom Light everywhere we go!

On today’s program, we’ll discuss the culture war, how woke companies keep making the same mistakes, more corruption exposed, and what we can do to push back the darkness attempting to overtake our world. Plus, I’ve got some video clips you don’t wanna miss, so stick around.

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– Open Tag: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to Let the KINGDOM HEROICS Begin! –

In our first story, yet another example of how the LGBT movement is targeting kids. Not only that, but they are making sure that parents don’t have the opportunity to see firsthand just how their kids are being groomed into the movement itself.

According to an article from The Daily Signal, the organizers of a recent “Youth Carnival” in Indiana would not allow parents to attend with their children. This event was sponsored by two Indiana LGBTQ+ associations, as well as the Indianapolis Airport Authority. The Indiana Youth Group collaborated with Indy Pride to hold the carnival for “youth” ages 12 to 20 on June 7th. The event promised games, vendors, food, fun, and unspecified “entertainment.”

The article states that – prior to the event – an effort was made to reach out to the leader of the youth group holding the event, hoping to get some kind of explanation as to specifically what type of entertainment was planned. There was, however, no response by the time the article was published. Many were also curious as to just why the parents were not wanted present during the event. Parents weren’t allowed to attend the carnival with their children, but they were instead encouraged to “participate in other activities offsite” at nearby Trinity Lutheran Church, or to “explore the city.”

Yeah, why don’t you parents go off over there someplace while we groom your kids?

Several parental rights advocates, naturally, expressed some major concerns over sexual content at so-called Pride festivals in recent years. These parents say they were “shocked and horrified” over many overt sexual displays by drag queens, who performed and mimicked sexual acts in front of children at some of their self-described “family-friendly” events.

Indiana’s state representative Jake Teshka said such an event shouldn’t be marketed toward children at all. In a written statement, he said, “The idea that there would be a festival based solely on sexual identity and replete with sexual themes aimed at youth is in and of itself very troubling. To think that organizers would explicitly forbid parental involvement is simply untenable.”

Yeah, and that’s putting it mildly. But this is exactly the kind of garbage going on in our world today, and we have to do everything we can to protect our kids and youth from being indoctrinated by it. We’ve allowed satan to gain too many footholds already. He wants to cause the human race to stray further and further from God, and he knows coming after the young people is the way to do that. It’s time to put a stop to the enemy’s advances through fervent prayer and thoughtful action. We’ll talk more about that a little later.

On the last show, I spoke about the recent light being shined on corruption within our government – specifically in agencies like the FBI. Much of that information was brought out by the recent Durham Report, which exonerated President Trump and confirmed that the Russia hoax was in fact a creation of the Hillary Clinton campaign back in 2016 – that hoax was designed to distract from Hillary’s own email scandal. Remember that? 33,000 emails completely wiped from her own private email server, and the FBI’s James Comey said they weren’t going to investigate Hillary. Nope, nothing to see here.

They didn’t expect Trump to secure such a commanding victory in 2016, but when he did, the establishment in DC went after him nonstop over the whole collusion story, all the while KNOWING that it was entirely made up. To this day, they still claim Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, despite the revelations of the four and half year awaited Durham Report. The truth comes out, and the liars keep right on lying.

Here’s what President Trump had to say about this…

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Of course, certain politicians had things to say, as well. One democrat tried to smear an IRS whistleblower with an outright lie, claiming that Gary Shapley had refused to speak before the Senate, and he got himself fact-checked with the truth on live TV. Check it out…

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He tried to do a little dance there, a little side-step, and back-tracks with the old, “Well, that’s what I heard” routine. No, I’m pretty sure he was attempting to deliberately pass along misinformation in order to throw suspicion on someone he sees as a threat to the establishment. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

Meanwhile, President Biden’s administration has been called into question over its misuse of the DHS grant program. Documents that were uncovered by the Media Research Center (MRC) revealed the Biden Administration used a $40 million grant program of the Department of Homeland Security – money that is earmarked for anti-terrorism purposes – to target conservative organizations and media. Surprise, surprise.

The Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (TVTP) was established in 2011 by the DHS to combat Al Qaeda. The scope of that grant and its use was expanded by the Biden Admin to include so-called “media literacy and online critical thinking initiatives.” This allows them to radicalize use of the money in efforts to accuse conservative organizations (including Breitbart News, Turning Point USA, and the Heritage Foundation) of turning Americans into violent neo-Nazis. Hmmm, sounds like a misuse of funds for sure!

So, once more the establishment targets its political enemies with the help of money meant for anti-terrorism efforts. And why not? They simply label their opponents as enemies of the state. Conservative groups become equated with neo-Nazis and domestic terrorists, and this type of political weaponization of government agencies and their funding goes virtually unchecked.

The University of Dayton used its DHS grant money to create a training program. That program tries to explain how content from Breitbart News, Fox News, the Heritage Foundation, the National Rifle Association, PragerU, and the Republican National Committee (among others) have led to what they call “far-right radicalization.” Conservative organizations got placed in a “pyramid of far-right radicalization” that began with the most mainstream conservative organizations and ended with violent neo-Nazi militants.

Oh, how crazy can it really get? So this university does a few seminars and paints conservatives in a bad light. No big deal, right? Well, one of the DHS-funded seminars at the university compared President Donald Trump to the genocidal Cambodian dictator Pol Pot, and then went on to suggest that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis might wish to start a “second Holocaust.” That does seem a bit extreme, doesn’t it? Uh, to say the least!

What’s being done about this? The Republican majority in Congress has formed a Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The committee is tasked with investigating and proposing solutions to this problem. In addition, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is taking action to cut funding to organizations that have been used to censor conservatives. McCarthy vows to “hold them accountable” and use legislation to prevent it from happening again.

But what can WE do? Corruption flourishes within both parties and we hear promises of reform all the time. What we can do is get behind efforts to push back against that corruption and back up those efforts with prayer and supplication to God. Don’t listen to those voices that try to tell you prayer doesn’t do anything. I know for a fact that prayer works, and the Bible offers plenty of instances when God’s people interceded in prayer on behalf of those in positions of leadership. That hasn’t changed. We’re still called to do this.

I won’t even waste time talking about the current indictments the left has now brought against Trump. They’re a bunch of bastardizations of laws and made-up garbage that amount to a laughable nothing-burger. But my point here is that evil doesn’t take a holiday, folks. We can’t let up, either. In a moment, I’ve got yet another example of corruption that has to be called out and held in check. And those who dare to speak out about it need our prayers, too. But first…

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House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer says an informant file that he’s been seeking from the FBI would link President Biden to a $5 million bribery scheme that took place while he was vice president. In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Comer threatened him with contempt proceedings if he didn’t share the file under subpoena. Since then, the FBI went from “Nope, we’re not giving it to you” to “Okay, we’ll give you a heavily redacted version” to then backtracking on that, and back-and-forth it goes. Typical corrupt bureaucratic stonewalling.

Coincidentally – if you believe in coincidences – Ukrainian officials held a press conference in Kyiv back on June 13, 2020, showing off $5 million in cash allegedly offered as a bribe to end an investigation of natural gas company Burisma’s founder Mykola Zlochevsky. Burisma, as we know, employed Hunter Biden from 2014 to 2019 and an executive from the firm met with then Vice President Biden at an April 16, 2015, dinner in Washington. The cash seized by Ukrainian officials in 2020 was paid in American $100 bills, matching the amount that Joe Biden allegedly received years earlier.

The Oversight Committee was working to confirm the country where Biden allegedly accepted the bribe as vice president, but a source previously said that the allegation is not believed to deal with China, where the Biden family had two lucrative ventures. That puts the focus on nations such as Russia and Ukraine. All these shady business dealings by the Biden family, and the vast majority of the news media? Crickets. Not a peep. No, they want to transfer all of Biden’s corruption onto Trump instead.

Remember now, as vice president, Joe Biden also used a billion dollars of US aid as leverage to pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who had investigated Burisma. House Democrats later presented evidence that US allies also advocated for the prosecutor’s ouster due to his own corruption. But it was the corruption of the Bidens that went unchecked by the FBI and the media for years. We know it was Vice President Biden who got that prosecutor fired because he so much as bragged about it to the press. Remember quid-pro-Joe? Here ya go…

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“You’re not getting the billion dollars unless you fire this guy,” he said. What guy? The guy prosecuting the case against Burisma, who was – air quotes –“employing” Joe’s son Hunter at the time. He not only used his position of power to get the case dropped and the prosecutor fired, but he BOASTED about it on TV. That hubris will come back to bite ya, man. So let’s hope the pressure stays on and more of this is brought to light soon. Oh, and by the way, latest development on this – the Burisma energy accountant who blew the whistle on the whole Biden bribery scheme…has been found dead. These people behind all the corruption in our government are some seriously evil folks.

Furthermore, Comer now says that bank records will show that the Bidens accepted as much as $30 million from their shady dealings. Also, a Hunter Biden associate is now in talks to dish out the details of the alleged $10 million bribe from Ukraine. And numerous officials are saying that the current “Get Trump” mission the DOJ is on has some pretty major flaws in the case. Does any of this come as a shock? No, not remotely.

All this stuff now with Trump is for 2 things: 1) They hate Trump and want to keep him out of office, and 2) it’s yet another distraction from all the corruption being uncovered on the Bidens. Everything the corrupt establishment is guilty of, they flip it around and accuse their political opponents of the very same stuff. They conspire to steal elections, then claim their opponents are trying to steal elections. They collude with foreign governments and accuse Trump of collusion, which was proven to be a lie. When they try to make you look over here at this thing going on, always look for the thing they’re trying to hide.

In this next story, Target stock has now fallen to its lowest trading value in a year, and its involvement in the culture war is why. Not learning a thing from the mistake of Bud Light, Target dove headlong into the push for LGBT+ Pride recently, and their stock took a dive as a result. Target’s Pride month collection – much of it geared toward kids – was met by a strong consumer backlash and calls for a boycott of the retail chain.

Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio criticized the company for waging war on a huge part of its loyal customer base. Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado tweeted, “Why support woke corporations that hate you?” American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp went as far as to say that Target “is responsible for pushing satanic messaging and gender ideology onto our children.” He added, “We won’t let them sexualize children and destroy the American Family.”

Target afterward pulled some of its merchandise and claimed it was over threats the company received, involving customers knocking down Pride displays. While I don’t condone knocking down the store’s products and displays, I also don’t consider such acts as threats. No, you shouldn’t do that – but no, that’s not a threat either. Regardless, the bigger threat right now is to Target’s bottom line. It got involved in socio-politics and got burned. That’s called reaping what you sow. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

Too often, we see companies like Anheuser-Busch and Target engage in objectionable practices and then blame their own customers when those practices get them in trouble. That only digs the hole they’re in deeper. If they choose to double down on their obvious mistakes, their downfall will be no one’s fault but their own.

I wanna end today’s show on a lighter side, guys. I’ve got some clips coming up that will make you laugh, so we’ll get to that in a sec…

Let me ask you a question. Have you been to the Kingdom Storehouse yet? It’s the ONLY place where you can get Kingdom Gear. What’s that, you ask? I’ll tell you. T-shirts, coffee mugs, coasters, drinking glasses, tumblers, and more. Cool stuff for gifts or for yourself, so check it out. Just go to our website,, and click the image that says, “Kingdom Storehouse.” Grab some swag right there from the Kingdom Storehouse and help support this ministry. Thank you so much for that.

Folks, with all that’s going on, all the corruption, all the downright evil taking place, you know, we have to find those moments that lift us back up and make us smile. I wanna end the program with a few items that are sure to make you laugh. This first one is hilarious. This was our president recently talking about Nancy Pelosi, attempting to give her credit for something that – well, it’s just too funny to pass up. Here it is…

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Wow. Did you know that Nancy Pelosi helped America recover from the Great Depression? That’s astonishing. It’s especially amazing seeing as how Nancy was born in 1940, and the Great Depression happened just a little bit before that. That’s priceless. I mean, it sure seems like she’s been holding public office for a long time, just not quite THAT long. I’m curious as to the expression on her face when old Joe made her out to be even older than she is. (chuckle) Good stuff.

This next one comes to us from the Dan Bongino Show. I’m a big fan of his show, and he gives the perfect assessment of an older clip from 2019 of a guy trying to define what racism is, but the guy can’t seem to do it without using variants of the word he’s trying to define IN his definition. It’s stunningly funny. Watch…

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I love Dan. He’s in a class all his own. Now here’s a podcast duo you may have heard of called Chicks On The Right. In this clip, they make hilarious light of Jill Biden’s recent “clap for me” moment. Listen…

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Now in democrat-run cities across the country, people are getting really tired of their local leaders and their failed policies. When San Francisco’s mayor stepped to the mic recently, she was almost instantly booed by her constituents. Even funnier, she goes on the say, “Thank you,” as though she was met with applause and cheers from the crowd. Crazy…

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(laughter) How embarrassing. Okay, one more. You may know that James O’Keefe has launched a new entity called OMG, the O’Keefe Media Group. He was previously CEO of Project Veritas until they basically dumped him over some made-up allegations. Anyway, he’s still killing it with undercover take-downs of people caught saying the quiet part out loud. In this clip, James tries to speak with a member of John Fetterman’s camp who has already been recorded saying things about using certain “puppets” in the media and so on. Watching this guy flee after getting busted is truly a treat. Here it is…

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Folks, this is what we have to do. Keep confronting the lies with truth. Keep calling out the corruption and exposing it for everyone to see. Keep pressing in and doing the right thing no matter what. This is how we beat back the darkness and shine the light. Never stop.

Prayer: Now God, we give everything to You. We know You see what’s going on, and we believe that Your Will is going to be done. God, we just ask for Your guidance in how we should move forward and shine Your Light to the world around us. We ask also for You to embolden us and fill us with courage to do what’s right. Open the blinded eyes, expose the truth, and deliver us from all evil. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!

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Author: stacemassengill

I am a blood-bought saint of God, saved by His amazing Grace! God called me to start Great Commission Ministries online in June of 2011, and that began as a video series called "The GC." After 7 seasons of that web-series, I felt led to expand the ministry to blogs as well as a new video series I called "67 seconds of Encouragement." Eventually, the blogs became a podcast. And the ministry continues to grow from that, currently in the form of The Kingdom Hero Show. My prayer is that this ministry brings hope and encouragement to everyone who finds it. Please share it with others and help spread the Good News of Christ!

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